A Musical Instrument Inspired by the Theremin and Synthesizers
The Sinetactophone is a collaborative instrument inspired by the touchless interface of a theremin and the musical capabilities of a synth. In demo presentations it is paired with a top-down projector and headphones, exploring how different kinds of visual aids can both influence user interaction with the instrument, as well as question it as a replacement for tactile feedback.
The design and interaction of the instrument aims to enhance the ability of the two musicians to express emotion with their movements in collaboration. Two users stand on opposite sides of the instrument and utilize the movements of their hands to generate and manipulate the instrument’s output. The instrument's body and knobs are 3D printed using a combination of wood and opaque white filament PLA, with certain areas printed thinner to allow the brightness of the LEDs to show through. At each end of the instrument there is a aluminum-copper capacitive sensor, that allows each participant to initiate the note generation on their side of the instrument.
This is an ITP student project in collaboration w/ Justin Johnson. The Sinetactophone was presented at the ITP Winter Show 2024 at 370 Jay Street. ITP Winter Show images by Michelle Nisbet.
Student Project
Arduino, Ableton, Electronics, p5.js, and 3D Printing